Operation Lifesaver’s Railroad Investigation and Safety Courses for Law Enforcement (RISC-LE) and Firefighters/First Responders (RISC-FF ) were developed by railroad police, firefighters and Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Both RISC-LE and RISC-FF prepare the first responder community to use the proper safety techniques while responding to, or investigating, a grade crossing collision or trespasser incident. RISC courses stress maintaining the on-scene safety environment unique to railroad incidents.
Course Overview
RISC-LE provides critical information allowing first responders to effectively and safely respond to and investigate incidents involving a railroad. The Railroad Investigation and Safety Course for Law Enforcement (RISC-LE) is offered at the Basic (1-hour), Intermediate (2-hour) and Advanced (4-hour) levels. RISC-FF is offered in Basic (1-hour) and Advanced (2-hour) levels.
As with all Operation Lifesaver trainings and presentations, there is no cost to help officers and first responders more effectively and safely manage railroad incidents.
Sign up for RISC-LE
Please fill in the information below to request a RISC-LE or RISC-FF to find out when one is being held in your area. Fields marked with * denote required fields.