The slogan for this statewide 2020 campaign was “Trains Belong on Tracks. You Don’t.” For this multimedia campaign NYOL created several new public awareness tools like this poster which was seen on platforms and trains across the Long Island Railroad and Metro North systems.

We also multiple new PSAs in English and Spanish, both PSAs alerting people to the dangers of trespassing on railroad tracks. Thank you to PR firm SGNY for their expertise creating these PSAs.
Targeted advertising techniques allowed us to send these newly created PSAs to people living and working near established “trespass corridors” throughout New York.
Here are the two Trespass PSAs in English and Spanish
30 second English language Trespass Education PSA
Spanish Language 30 second Trespass Education PSA
This campaign used English and Spanish social media advertising, print and electronic displays, PSAs on radio and TV stations, as well as media interviews. Our message was seen by New Yorkers about 15,000,000 times. Posters like the one below appeared in both print and electronic displays, in stations and on trains.